Our knowledge of the First World War continues to be limited to the cruelty of the German invasion in Belgium and the hopeless warfare war in the Westhoek. The history of occupied Belgium is less known and forgotten are the events on the Belgian-Dutch border, where Dutch neutrality had major consequences. Think of the giant refugee flow towards the Netherlands and the creation of an electrical barrier barrier, better known as the death council. But there was more. For example, consider the impossibility of occupying the Baarle Duchess enclaves, which triggered illegal mail traffic through Baarle-Hertog's post office. Or at the MN 7 military station that was set up in the Belgian enclaves. The major price differentials on both sides of the border led to unprecedented smuggling practices. Also thousands of recruits for the Belgian army, spies and German desertors tried to cross the national border, with hundreds of deadly victims falling.

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