Finding, creating and sharing Open Educational Resources - #KCOER16

Vrouw werkt aan computerKlasCement invites educational professionals and teachers to a free conference filled with inspiration and practical information on learning resources. First of all, international speakers will inform you about the challenges in the use of Open Educational Resources (OER).

Then you will be informed by practitioners about creating and sharing educational resources.

This event is part of ExplOERer, an Erasmus+ project, cofunded by the European Commission on the reuse of OER. 



15th of March 2016 from 9:00 am till 3:00 pm.


9:00 am - 9:25 am: Welcome:  Graaf de Ferraris building, Koning Albert II laan 20, 1000 Brussel.

At 10:45 we cross the street for the second part of the day that begins at 11:00 am in the Hendrik Conscience building,  Koning Albert II laan 15, 1000 Brussel.

List of participants

Who's attending which sessions?


This event is free!


Building Graaf de Ferraris
Welcome (9:00 - 9:25) 

Be sure to come in time.

Plenary (9:30 - 10:40) 


  • When fair use is not enough. Why we need policies supporting open educational resources and copyright reform for modern classroom.
    Kamil Śliwowski (Media literacy, open educational resources animator, trainer and copyright educator, chairman of the board of polish Coalition for Open Education)
  • What do teachers want/need to know about OER: findings from the OER course
    Hélène Pulker (Lecturer and Head of French. Department of Languages, Faculty of Education and Language Studies, The Open University)
  • What did KlasCement change to the website to support OER reuse? 
    Bram Faems (Co-ordinator user experience, KlasCement)
  • KlasCement: Success factors
    Hans De Four (Sharing creativity & good use of ICT, STEM, coding & media literacy in education. Founded KlasCement, ICT-praktijkdag, eduCentrum vzw, Fyxxi)
  • Awards for contributors whose resources were downloaded the most 
    Bea Claeys (Acting co-ordinator of KlasCement in the Flemish Department of Education and Training)

Walk to Consciencegebouw (10:45 - 10:55)

KlasCement, a success story as OER network (11:00 - 11:50 ) 

You'll see KlasCement presented as a search engine for (open) educational resources and as a social network. We explain our success factors by giving some good examples of content, communication, technology and  strategy. You'll be inspired to improve your OER-network and to engage your users more. How did KlasCement become so popular? Is this only possible in Flanders?

By: Hans De Four, founder of KlasCement

Policies supporting OER implementation OER & Copyright (12:00 - 12:50 )

I will highlight the importance of policies as support mechanisms for introduction of open education and OER. I will describe basic policies supporting OER implementation, and complimentary policies concerning copyright for education.

We will talk about OER policies from two perspectives: educational goals and copyright reform goals.

We'll talk about limitations of such an approach, which will be successful only if met by activity from the teachers, school administrators, etc.  I will use examples of OER developments from Poland and other European countries.

By: Kamil Śliwowski – Media literacy, open educational resources animator, trainer and copyright educator, chairman of the board of polish Coalition for Open Education. Form 2008 involved  in Creative Commons Poland as educational lead, responsible for open educational and nongovernmental resources. Teaches ICT usage in humanities and science popularization at University of Social Sciences and Humanities. Privately interested in informal education and free culture. Writes own blog/database of OER's

Lunch (13:00 - 13:50)

Reusing Repurposing Repackaging Working with OER (14:00 - 14:50)

We will explore where to search for OER, how to reuse resources (Creative Commons), how to approach repurposing and how to repackage newly-created and redesigned OER for distribution.

By: Hélène Pulker. Hélène Pulker is the Head of French at the Open University (UK). She joined the Department of languages in 2005 after 15 years as a Lecturer in French in several institutions of Higher Education in the UK. She played a significant role in the development of LORO (, an open repository of teaching resources for language teachers and learners. Her teaching interests and expertise are in the domains of synchronous online teaching, teacher training, creation and reuse of OERs for language teaching, and more recently synchronous teaching in MOOCs and learning design. She has developed training programmes for synchronous online language teaching and has been facilitating training sessions regularly since 2009. She is currently doing a Doctorate in Education on the re-use and re-appropriation of OERs for language teaching and the impact of OERs on teaching practices and language learning.

End (15:00)

