If it is over there, it is here, series II: Life stories about perpetrators of mass violence

Despite numerous peacekeeping missions and international courts, the post-Cold War period is characterized by large-scale crimes. This mass violence is characterized by the large number of civilian deaths. These citizens are victims because they belong to a certain group (religion, nationality, skin color, etc.). Many are also victims of sexual violence, forced to flee or to live in an unsafe climate.

Over the past 30 years, Rwanda, Burundi and the Democratic Republic of Congo have been flogged by such violence. Millions of civilians have died. Some of these crimes were legally recognized and punished as crimes against humanity, war crimes or genocide. Yet many remain unpunished. There is therefore a high risk that these acts will fall into the forgetful pit. That is why RCN Justice & Democracy reminds us of our solidarity as human beings. RCN J&D does this by giving a voice to people who have experienced such violence. By sharing their experience, they make us think about whether we ourselves would be able to not get carried away and at the same time they call on us to take action against the violence.

Following on from the first radio series with the stories of victims of these crimes, RCN Justice & Democracy presents a new series. This radio series introduces us to people who, to a greater or lesser extent, have participated in these crimes. Some were convicted or are still in prison, others are not. They have all made confessions and tell their story ...

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