Relational and Sexual Education in Buso: Research Report

This report contains the results of an exploratory study into the design and experience of Relational and Sexual Education (RSV) among students in Special Secondary Education (buso) in Flanders. 330 people participated in the study, including 125 students and 204 employees of buso schools. The research focused on the following threefold design:

  1. Gain insight into the design of RSV in classroom practice. How are RSV lessons shaped in the classroom and in broader classroom practice at school?
  2. Allowing school employees to have their say about RSV: questioning the perspective of school employees as a supplement to the survey; gain insight into vision and attitudes, knowledge and skills, themes, strengths and challenges, needs and wishes.
  3. Letting students have their say about relationships and sexuality: questioning the perspective of students themselves, gaining insight into vision and attitudes, knowledge and skills, information channels, themes and interests, needs and wishes.

In addition, it is also discussed that sexuality is something that is not discussed in every home context. Channels for obtaining information about sexuality are less accessible to certain young people. At the same time, there is a need to speak and learn about sexuality in a positive way. In this report you can read about dreams, actions and everything in between from the perspective of school employees and students themselves.

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